
WEEK 2 06-04-2013 TO 13-04-2012


The weather was starting not to feel so cold and the forecast for the week was Saturday and Sunday -2 to -3 at night and bright and sunny during the day. rain Tuesday, Wednesday and getting warmer to the end of the week. The fishing got of to a good start with Mike on 61  smashing his PB with a 40lb-02oz mirror from the snags. This was to be our only fish till Sunday night when Tony had a upper 20lb mirror from 61. Paul the bailiff had seen fish in the snags in-front of R1 & R2, and  Remco and Mause were thinking of moving to R1& R2 if they didn't have any fish from the Lodge and the Boathouse. Well the rain arrived on Tuesday and just got wetter and wetter as the week went on, but the wind had changed  to a SW and the temperatures were improving. Remco and Mause moved on Tuesday and were on the fish, and by Thursday  they had banked 10 fish to 40lb with most of the fish 30lb+ commons.Tony on 61 had his PB a 41-08lb mirror from open water on 61. I moved into the Lodge on Wednesday night and fished only the nights till the end of the week. I had a lovely 37lb common from tight on the road bank, just on the top of the bomb hole, on Wednesday night dropped one and took a stunning 47-08lb mirror on Thursday night  then a 35lb mirror on  Friday. Mause and Remco ended up with 13 fish for the week taking a big dark mirror of 47 -07lb and a 35lb common in the last hour of their session. The boys on M2 fished hard all week but just could not get on the fish,but Phil managed to nick one in the last  hours a 35lb mirror. We ended the week with 21 fish 5 x40's  13 x 30's and an average of 35-04lb.  I would just like to say all the anglers fished very hard for the week and in doing so got very wet, so well done boy's. A great improvement from last weeks fishing and I'm sure it will get better each week now the weather is improving? Last but not least thanks to all the guy's for looking after my fish and a problem free week!! Looking forward to seeing you next year.

Tight Lines


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