
WEEK 9 25-05-2013 TO 01-06-2013


It  was a Dutch week this week and the Dutch anglers have  a different way of fishing than the English so  lets see how they get on. The weather is still very cold for the time of year,and it was only 7 on Sunday during the day. It rained again most of the week and fishing remained hard. The only good day with the weather was  Monday. The Boy's were finding  it hard going but their  biggest problem was the baiting program. They tended to fish one night then move their  bait to the next spot and so on. The fish must have thought it was Christmas with all the  free offerings or maybe not as I found out later!!. On Monday I nearly sent the Boy's home as one of the guy's  left his rods. I had put it down to them not speaking and reading English very well, so the next day all the boy's had to come to the lodge to go over the  rules and I explained again there were no grey areas and if anyone broke the rues they would be all going home!!. Well lets get to the fishing the fishing was slow but we did have some cracking fish out and by the end of the week we had 14 fish grace the banks 2  x 50lb+ a 56-04 and 58-10lb 2  x 40lb+ to 46-08lb and the average for the week was 37-07lb we also had 2 dropped fish and one lost in the snags. I think the biggest problem this week was  two fold 1 the weather and the boy's bait. Some  of the dutch bait has a lot to be said for .It wasn't till the middle part of the week when the boy's bait started to pop up, so that dident help things.Thay then started to use my bait and started to catch, it just shows you a good bait is everything!! It doesn't matter how good your rods and reels are the fish don't eat them!! " food of thought". I like to thank all the boy's for looking after my fish and lake.

Tight lines

Commander Steve Bond (RNLI)

I'm the Boss and I'm hard "BOSSARD"

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