
WEEK 11 9-06-12 TO 16- 06 12


The weather was once again very unsettled with rain most of the week Temperatures for the week were 8 to 11 at night and 20 to 24 during the days. Water  temperatures went down to 18 at the top and 16 at the bottom. Fishing was hard all week, but once again all angler's took fish bar one. One wanted to go home on Thursday but his  friend wanted to stay, I find it hard when angler's say they want to go home when the fishing is hard, but they do not want to move or try something different.

The lodge was empty of anglers all week and full of fish, but no one wanted to move into it, I know everyone is on holiday but your still carp fishing. All swims fished, had fish. I noticed not many anglers are casting to showing fish, come on boy's lets see some effort, it puts more fish on the bank!

Biggest fish came to me this week and we had 16 fish out with an average weight of 31-04lbs we had 6 dropped and 4 lost in  the snaggs. I think the carp are still feeding on roach fry and are on the blood worn beds, but those anglers that are watching the food chain are still on the fish.

I like to thank all the anglers for a great weeks fishing and social and I like to thank Mark and his dad Jim for  bring some food out for my Baby Monsters, and it would be nice if a few more anglers put the amount of effect that Mark put into his fishing, and Mark has to use a wheel chair! ''well done Mark''

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